RJ Tree Services Ltd can help with the following services:
Development Site Tree Surveys, Impact Assessments and Method Statements:
Are undertaken to the guidelines set out in BS5837 (2012) Trees in
Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction-Recommendations.
Tree constraints and protection plans may be produced in CAD format
to accompany the reports and surveys.
Pre-development Consultation and Local Authority Liaison:
May be carried out with the local planning authority Tree and/or Planning
Officer to enable the smooth passage of a planning or tree preservation
order application. It is always the intention of RJ Tree Services Ltd to
work to achieve a satisfactory outcome for the tree owner and or applicant
by working constructively with the local planning authority.
Tree Condition Surveys and Reports: Will identify trees, record
their dimensions, comment on their condition and make prioritised
recommendations for works.
Local Authority Development Control Consultancy: Primarily
involves giving objective advice on tree preservation order applications
(TPO) and appeals, and conservation area notifications to work on trees.
Additional advice may be given on the suitability of trees for tree
preservation orders. Guidance can also be provided in terms of the
impact of proposed development/planning applications on trees and the
landscape and vice versa.